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  • What are the requirements to enter High School?
    The first requirement is to have your final report card of grade 8 or an equivalet of it. Then you should be assessed on your Mathematics and English skills. As a result, your will be placed in the righ class with your level of English.
  • Can I be a High School student, if I am over 18 years old?"
    Yes! You can recieve Ontario High School education at any age, anywhere in the world. For further information, goal settings and consultation, please contact Arkana Education.
  • Do I need to take IELTS exam after High School?
    Yes! Most institutions including most of the unuversities and colleges require IELTS results with certain sore as part of their entrance conditions. Usually, you may be exempt from IELTS if you study 3 or more years in an English educational istitution.
  • What is the First step to register?
    The first step would be filling out the "Application Form" and contact us to get in touch with an administration or guidanceteam member. Further instructions will be given to you after that. You may also reach a school member by phone call, or whatsapp call to: +1 416 897 4461.

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